Start of a passion…
At an early age, Nora and Elsenoor Louise van Weezendonk, mother and daughter, one a painter and sculptress, the other a jewelry designer, joined their creativity and started their jewelry line:
NoraLou art à porter I art to wear
Why are these so special? Based on the principle of recuperation of materials and different objects they find on flea-markets, in the attics, second hand shops but also in nature.
The searching for materials has become a passion and so constitutes one of the most important aspects for the creation of their jewelry.
As a consequence, every single piece is unique. The value of these creations is not derived from the materials used, but from the esthetic and artistic effect they represent. These are refined veritable small sculptures, which they describe as: “Art a porter I Art to wear”
“We love hunting for all kind of materials together, thus you can find us wandering over fleamarkets, rummaging through old boxes in order to find the starting point of all the beautiful new creations.”